Academic Coaching & Tutoring

Pinellas Psychology Associates now offers tutoring in reading, math and writing with highly trained school psychologists and certified teachers.  Our method is different than traditional tutoring, as we utilize well researched interventions for academic growth.  We aren’t interested in just helping your child complete their homework, we want to understand how they learn and we choose specific interventions based on exactly how they learn best.  All children learn differently, so our focus is first to understand their learning style so that interventions are uniquely tailored to their individual needs.

Tried tutoring before with weak results?  We get it –  many frustrated parents contact us wondering why their child still isn’t grapsing concepts even after hours of tutoring support.  If you have tried tutoring before and it hasn’t worked, it is likely because your child’s unique learning profile of strengths and weaknesses was not integrated as part of the tutoring process.

If your child struggles to learn or has already been diagnosed with a learning disability, we can help!  We utilize evidence-based tools carefully designed to support your learner’s profile.  

Call us today at 727-379-1982 or email to learn more about our one-on-one academic tutoring supports.